Dance Film


RESISTANZ. (71min) examines with a live orchestra and a contemporary dance performance the emergence of resistance in polarized societies threatened
by division and invites the audience to reflect on their own social role in society. Musically, Lutz Glandien leads into the inner and outer places of resistance with a uniquely composed masterpiece performend live on location during the film sessions by ensemble unitedberlin. The Zion Church, a significant place for resistance in history, becomes a protagonist herself.

Magma produces this film as a substitute for a performance that did not take place due to Covid-19. Together with choreographer Jiří Bartovanec, magmastudio translates the original performance format into a 70-minute cinematic piece. Result is a feature film, awarded with the Mannheim Arts and Film Festival prize in the category „Best Dance Film“.

For promotion at festivals and in Social Media, a short and a long trailer is created.

Link short trailer / long trailer and protected film (with password) follows.

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